Understanding Bitcoin Series 1

So this is like a short explanation of the potentiality and use of Bitcoin for newbies to understand. You can’t fully understand it though if you limit your mind.
The entire global financial system is being massively disrupted with the power being redistributed from banks and governments to we the people which has always kept you bound and limited. Here’s what Bitcoin and Blockchain technology can give you: Financial freedom, Being your own bank, little or no transaction fees, faster transaction process, etc. On blockchain technology, the Ethereum Smart Contracts can power IoT tech like self driving cars on Uber-esque networks to calculate fees, pay for fuel, make transactions with other cars, and send profits to their owners.Same goes for AirBnB-style homes that rent themselves out and manage + pay for their own upkeep. Still thinking for the African side tho. The only fear and concern I get when I speak on Bitcoin and Africa is “Money Laundry”.
The unbanked, banked. Insurance companies replaced with groups of friends. P2P. Near-complete privacy for everyone. Legal contracts that don’t need lawyers or third parties. Valid forms of ID/passport that aren’t government issued. Decentralized crowdfunding, lending, investing, gambling, and prediction markets. And that’s just the first few steps in a technological revolution that will likely rival the invention of the Internet for world-changing impact. You can almost feel the world in your hands.
It’s extremely powerful, completely decentralized, 100% open sourced, and accessible to anyone. It can never be owned by anyone. No one can use it to create a monopoly that slows innovation and inflates prices. No one can shut it down. Anyone can adapt or copy blockchain code however
they wish. And this is the best part is – You can connect your computer to a mining Network, and you’re making an automated income (and furthering the progress of humanity) while you sleep. Haha! And there are countless number of opportunities around the blockchain network! Now who is excited about the future?
To register for a Bitcoin wallet free. Click here
Enjoy while it last forever!
Feel free to contact me for more inquiry!

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